A complete brief on Kubernetes training


As most of us are familiar with Kubernetes, it has become one of the most important talkies in the cloud computing industry. Now, for those who don’t know much about it, let me give a slight introduction. Kubernetes allows us to manage and deploy and maintain groups of containers. It has become the marketing leader and standardized means of orchestrating containers and deploying distributed applications Learning Kubernetes has become highly demanding.

There are so many online classes that provide proper docker and kubernetes training for understanding Kubernetes and Docker. Talking about Docker,  it is often compared with Kubernetes. Docker is currently one of the most popular container platforms. The no. The usage of Docker is growing continuously and currently about 30% of enterprises using Docker in their AWS environment.

For better control and implementation of containerized applications, Kubernetes is commonly used alongside Docker. Most of you think what is the need for Kubernetes! So, before discussing it further let’s discuss how it was before Kubernetes.

      Life before Kubernetes

Virtual machines were used before Kubernetes. It was really time-consuming and had a high-security risk. Not only that,  it was not easily portable and could store one software, one hardware,  one service, and had many limitations and restrictions.

      Kubernetes era and its usage

Life became much easier, it is secured, portable and takes less time. It can run on a public cloud service or on-premises. It is definitely a highly modular, open-source, and has a vibrant community. It has a comprehensive system to support many containerization tools such as Docker and for automating deployment and scheduling. kubernetes online training can help you know more about it.

      What Docker is used for?

Before running a Docker container, they must be built, starting with a Docker file. After having the Docker file one can build the Docker image that gets run on the Docker Engine.


      Docker v/s Kubernetes : which one?

     docker vs kubernetes? Want to know more about it? Docker allows you to build container images, and manages them in a registry, and also runs containers and communicates with them.

     Docker has become the industry standard for creating containers and getting them off the ground and is often used without Kubernetes but still, Kubernetes offers many benefits.

     The Kubernetes can work with any containerization technology and can integrate with many, two most popular options among them is rKT and Docker.

     Kubernetes is most commonly used with Docker, as it needs a container runtime in order to orchestrate but can also work with some other container as well.

      What is the need of learning Kubernetes?

Almost all businesses are software businesses to some extent.

As more and more organizations are realizing the potential of containers, container technology has seen a real massive increase in the past few years. Technologies like Kubernetes help in automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications, such technologies are in much demand. Thus, the demand for professionals having the knowledge of Kubernetes is high, since organizations are in need of such experts who can properly manage these containers.

      Online training for Kubernetes

Due to the pandemic people trying to learn new things as well. It has become a much more demanding course and most of you might not be able to have expensive courses or couldn’t go out for learning Kubernetes. There are a lot of online training programs that provide free training for learning Kubernetes.  Such as –

1.     The complete guide to Docker and Kubernetes:

 In this course, you will learn to deploy Docker applications with Kubernetes and it also provides training from the scratch even with zero knowledge about it.

2.     A practical guide to Kubernetes (Educative)

In this course, you will learn about the fundamentals of Kubernetes and the main components of clusters. You can start this course after the above-mentioned course.