why Docker is so popular
- Low system requirements: virtual machines can be popular but they are also huge. They are composed of complex and huge hardware. On the other hand, containers use shared operating systems so they are much more efficient than virtual machines. The operating system is not fully used by any container as they rest on an instance of the OS. If you have a perfectly tuned container, you can easily run more server instances on the same machine rather than running on a virtual machine.
- Continuous
integration and deployment: developers
maintain good care of their Docker apps. They can continually deploy and
integrate codes with much ease using docker. DevOps Methodology and DevOps
Lifecycle enables shared repository code integration and makes deployment
efficient and quick.
- Code
isolation: DevOps Engineer and developers can
isolate their codes to just a single container if they feel the need to.
Program management, modification, and updates become easier with this
process. Enterprises can easily break large applications into smaller
counterparts, and then deploy it using Dockers. Docker’s containers are
also very easy to be deployed on the cloud so that it can be combined into
DevOps application.
- Local development
environment: A developer can set up a local
development environment for CI/CD processes. Multiple development
environments can be set up from the same host with unique software,
configuration, and even operating systems. An application can be easily
tested for diverse servers and anyone can work on the same project with
variable settings irrespective of the local host environment.
- Increased
efficiency: a development team with strong
DevOps knowledge deploys software 200 times faster than any low performing
IT department and can recuperate 24 times faster as well with very low
failure possibilities. Businesses also use DevOps for testing applications
in a secure and safe environment. Docker is one excellent tool to deliver
some applications.
- Quick application
portability: containers need to be packed,
shipped, and run in a self-sufficient container. This helps applications
get instant application portability. Applications can be run virtually
from anywhere and their deployment is more efficient.
DevOps Docker can help developers take
control of their software development. Applications can be deployed and
installed without much hassle with Docker. Developers who use dockers are way
faster than any other developer as all systems are equal in size. The program
is small itself and enables a plethora of features such as code isolation. It
is a very efficient way of pushing codes and has a very small fingerprint. The
system requirements for running dockers are usually very low so it can be learned
and used in any IT organization with much ease.
The aspirants who want to learn using
Docker can do so by any docker and
Kubernetes online training,
which can help them secure a well-paying job. Jobs that require Docker are
well paying because this is a new age technology that came out in 2014.