We saw that at least 2 major versions are releasing every year to keep Angular synchronized with the rest of the JavaScript ecosystem and to have a predictable schedule. So, it is always suggested to go for an Angular online course training session to keep you updated.
What is new in this Angular 10 Release?
New date Range Picker:
Angular Material in Version 10 now includes a new
date range picker.
To avail the new date range picker, what you can do
is that you can use the mat-date-range-picker and mat-date-range-input
Optional Stricter Settings:
Version 10 offers a stricter project setup while
you will create a new workspace with ng new.
Ng new –strict
By enabling this flag, it will initialize your new
project with some new settings that can improve the maintainability and help
you to catch bugs ahead of time and allow the CLI to perform advanced
optimizations on the map. Mainly the ‘strict’ flag will o the following
- Turns template type checking to Strict
- Enables strict mode in TypeScript
- 75% have been decreased from Default bundle budgets
- You can configure your app as side-effect free so that it could get
more advanced tree shaking
- Configures the linting rules to avoid any declarations of type
Get Warnings on CommonJS imports:
While using a dependency that is packaged with
CommonJS, it can be providing you as a result in larger yet slower
Now, start with the latest version 10, you will get
a warning message when you build pills in one of these bundles. If you have
already observed such kind of warning for your dependencies, you also need to
let your dependency know that you would prefer an ECMAScript module (ESM)
Keeping Update with the Ecosystem:
Some new updates have been made to the dependencies
of Angular to stay synchronized with the JavaScript ecosystem.
TSLib has been updated to v2.0
TypeScript bumped to TypeScript 3.9
TSLint has been updated to v6
You will also found that project layout has also
been updated in version 10. With this version 10, you will see a new
tsconfig.base.json. This additional tsconfig.json file can support the way in
which IdEs and build tooling resolve type and package configurations.
Angular Team Fixit:
Angular team has already increased its investment
in working with the community. Even, from the last few weeks, open issues count
has been decreased by over 700 issues throughout the tooling, framework and
New default Browser Configuration:
We have updated the browser configuration for new
projects to remove the older and less used browsers.
V9 defaults:
[Thomas@Jefferson v9-test]$ npx browserslist
and_chr 81
and_ff 68
and_qq 10.4
and_us 12.12
android 81
baidu 7.12
chrome 80
chrome 81
chrome 83
edge 18
edge 81
edge 83
firefox 68
firefox 75
firefox 76
ios_saf 12.2-12.4
ios_saf 13.3
ios_saf 13.4 – 13.5
kaios 2.5
op_mob 46
op_mini all
opera 67
opera 68
safari 13
safari 13.1
Samsung 10.1
Samsung 11.1 – 11.2
v10 defaults:
[Thomas@Jefferson latest –test]$ npx browserslist
Chrome 83
edge 81
edge 83
firefox 68
firefox 76
ios_saf 12.0 – 12.1
ios_saf 12.2. – 12.4
ios_saf 13.0 – 13.1
ios_saf 13.2
ios_saf 13.3
ios_saf 13.4 -13.5
safari 12
safari 12.1
safari 13
safari 13.1
So, we can see that it has the side effects of
disabling ES5 builds by default for new projects. To enable theES5 builds and
differential loading for browsers which need it including IE or UC Browser, you
just simply need to add the browsers that you support in the .browserslistrc
Deprecations and Removals:
Angular Team has already made several new
deprecations and removals from Angular.
The Angular Package Format is now no longer include
FESM5 and ESM5 bundles that will ultimately save you 119MB of download and
install time while running yarn or npm install for Angular libraries and
So, with this high demand for Angular, the
developer can take Angular
JS Training in Hyderabad or any
other places of India and the world to gain in-depth knowledge in Angular 10 as
well as other versions of Angular.