DevOps key questions and their solutions for a successful job interview.

 Here are some essential questions that you will certainly be asked during an interview and how to answer them to bring the best out of your experience, knowledge of tools and multidisciplinary know-how.

To integrate and administer a DevOps service, the developers of tomorrow must demonstrate skills and know-how. Practice answering these job interview questions, so you can show off your skills towards getting the job you want

Let's see the key devops interview question and answer:

1.     Talk about your training and your experience.

Distinguish yourself by emphasizing your understanding of DevOps principles, and show your interviewer how your experience has prepared you for this post.

Mention your DevOps certification in virtualization, cloud, and specific programming languages.

Complement your skills by mentioning possible online devops certification focused on particular vendors and devoted to development tools, such as major code analyzers or systems automation/administration tools.

2.     What is your experience with systems?

To manage the deployment of workloads, DevOps professionals need server and system skills, including network architectures and hardware.

Some DevOps positions require in-depth systems knowledge, including managing clustered servers. At this level, DevOps engineers must analyze system capabilities and implement upgrades for efficiency, scalability, stability, or resiliency.

Demonstrate strong knowledge of operating systems and complementary technologies, such as network security, VPNs, and proxy server setup.

Explain how you have helped increase treatment efficiency while saving costs. For example, as part of a project to consolidate servers or improve resource allocation and performance monitoring.

3.     What DevOps tools have you worked with before?

DevOps involves a constant cycle of programming-testing-deployment-optimizations. The appropriate tools, therefore, depend on the size and specialization of the team within the company.


Build/release version control and software configuration management tools - Apache Subversion, Mercurial, or Fossil - make it easier to track change requests.

These tools make it easier for developers to follow best practices and company policies when making software changes.

Continuous integration tools - such as Rational Build Forge, Jenkins, and Semaphore - merge all developers' copies of working code into one centralized version. These tools are important in large groups, where teams of developers are simultaneously running the same code base.

If you want to learn and excel in these tools, you should do a devops certification course.

4.     What is your practical experience with cloud software development?

Expect the next interview question to focus on your experience with cloud services, an aspect that coincides with DevOps' iterative and integrated IT approach.

During the DevOps interview question and answer, mention your experience in managing big data. This discipline uses highly scalable cloud infrastructures to tackle complex processing tasks.

5.     Give me an example of how you manage projects.

As a professional with managerial responsibilities, you are required to demonstrate a clear understanding of project management tactics. You should also discuss how you work with teams to set goals, streamline workflows, avoid drifts, research, introduce new tools or infrastructure, translate needs into workflows, and follow-through.

Also, talk about how continuous integration, release management, and other tools keep you on track in interdisciplinary projects.