What is Node.js and why Enterprises Should Choose It?


Everyone today is talking about Node.js which has already taken the position in the programming world with its great advantages. While all languages and frameworks come up with some features, Node.js has taken over the development in enterprises. So, it is necessary to understand why the tech leaders across the world are lured towards Node.JS and want to become professional Node.jsdeveloper. In fact lots of big companies like Netflix, Linkedin, Uber and even NASA is also the part of Node.js fan club.

What is Node.js?

Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment in Chrome’s V8 that gives you the facility to develop and scalable the web applications faster and effortlessly. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it efficient, light-weight and extraordinary data-intensive real time applications to run across shared devices.

How Node.js work?

Node.js is the essence of a remarkably customizable and scalable tech. The server engine can utilize the event based non blocking I/O model. It is JavaScript runtime environment that will allow the infrastructure to build as well as run an application. It will ultimately make the JavaScript easier to the machine language after providing execution of the code in faster way. Due to Node.js and JavaScript, the code operates faster in server to client direction. It will ultimately enhance the performance ability of the web applications to the next stage. So, web application development with the help of the Node.js ensures a steady and secure non blocking I/O model by just simplifying the code model.

Node.js runs over the Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, where web applications are event-based in an asynchronous manner. Node.js is a platform which utilizes a single threaded event loop. With more than a billion downloads, Node.js succeeds in building the real-time applications, Micro Services and Internet of Things. Its gaining traction is faster than any other type of technologies and also ranks in the top of all the most-demanding development skills.

Advantages of Node.js:

Some of the most important advantages of Node.js are given below:

·        It makes it possible to code in JavaScript for both the client as well as server side.

·        It makes really fast to build real-time, high-traffic apps like chats or gaming.

·        It will increase the efficiency of the development process as it can fill the gap between frontend and backend developers.

·        Node.js is perfect for micro services that can be a great solution among enterprise applications.

·        Code executes faster than any other language

·        Mode Package Manager (NPM) provides developers with several tools and modules to use which can further boost their productivity.

Why Choose Node.js for Enterprise Level?

All the programming languages will provide you with some reasons to choose them over others. For Node.js, it has been developed for applications at scale. Modern tooling and its hold of the forward looking way to develop complex applications has been making Node.js stand apart from other technologies.

Scalability and Performance:

Node.js is built upon Google Chrome’s V8 runtime which has been written in C#. It has been built for multiple operating systems and it works super fast. Both V8 and Node are frequently updated with security patches, performance booster and also support modern JavaScript features. The use of JavaScript means transforming JSON data (most common data interchange format on the Web) is fast by default.

The event driven single threaded architecture of Node.js can handle multiple simultaneous connections effectively. Most of the popular web platform creates an additional thread for every new request by using RAM for the whole time it takes to process it.

On the other hand, Node.js which operates on a single thread, making use of the event loop and call backs for I/O operations, any delegating works like database operations and more as soon as possible. It also allows handling hundreds of thousands or even a million simultaneous connections.  Thus, developers today are much more comfortable to work with it and even the companies are also looking for expertise in this field to work on their projects.

So, if you are already into this field and want to develop your skill or if you want to become Node.js developer, then better to learn the technology and go for NodeJs Interview questions Pdf file format from any well reputed institute or from online free research site to gain knowledge and prepare for the interview and get a chance to build your career in this field in a well known company.